Dezvoltare SoftwareSoftware Development

Aplicații pentru mobil Mobile Applications

Va oferim o gama larga de servicii pentru aplicatii de mobil pe platforma iOS sau Android. We offer a broad range of services for mobile application development on leading mobile platforms including iOS and Android.

Aplicații web Web Applications

OPENSOFT are experienta in dezvoltarea de aplicatii web personalizate: design & dezvoltare pentru aplicatii web si website-uri, servicii de optimizare pentru motoare de cautare, e-commerce, statistici web si orice alte servicii referitoare la web2. OPENSOFT have expertise in providing the following types of custom web solutions: design & development for both web apps and websites, search engine ranking services, e-commerce, website analytics, web services and anything web2 you can think of.

Sisteme de baze de date Database Systems

Afacerile moderne se bazeaza pe stocarea informatiilor in baze de date si accesarea acestora de catre personalul din companie. Avem multi ani de experienta in proiectarea acestor sisteme pentru diverse companii. Oferim servicii pentru urmatoarele tipuri de baze de date: baze de date relationale, analitice, de tip warehouse, key-value, hipermedia, etc Modern business rely on database systems to store information and make it accessible to the people throughout the organization. We have many years of experience designing these systems for different companies. We provide the following types of custom database systems: relational databases, analytical databases, data warehouse databases, key-value database, hypermedia databases, etc.

Mentenanță Maintenance

Intretinem toate aplicatiile dezvoltate de noi pe toata durata de viata prin update-uri si upgrade-uri We are taking care of our custom software during the application life-time by performing regular updates & upgrades.

Internet of Things (M2M)

Măsurare Inteligentă Smart Metering

In ziua de astazi optimizarea resurselor este foarte importanta. Utilizand dispozitivele de tip Smart Meters pentru urmarirea modului in care resursele sunt distribuite si consumate veti reduce pierderile si furturile si veti imbunatati prognoza. Toate aceste solutii IoT vor optimiza resursele si vor servi clientii intr-un mod mai eficient.

Avem in portofoliu:
- Drivere de comunicatie GSM pentru calculatoare de debit Seria Emerson FloBoss™, Seria Emerson ROC800™, Seria Barton™, etc;

- Aplicatie SCADA web & mobile pentru administrarea dispozitivelor si a datelor achizitionate;
Optimizing the resources are very important in our days. Using connected Smart Meters to track how resources are distributed and consumed, will reduce theft and loss, and improve forecasting. These IoT solutions will optimize resources and serve more customers more efficiently.

Our portofolio include:
- Communication drivers for PLC Emerson FloBoss™ 103 Series, Emerson ROC800™ Series, Barton™ Series, etc

- Web and mobile SCADA web app for devices and data management

Administrare Flotă Fleet Management

Transportatorii si operatorii de flote auto au nevoie de sisteme de comunicatii fara fir pentru a monitoriza autovehiculele si a mentine soferii conectati. Noile aplicatii IoT ajuta managerii de flote auto sa optimizeze operatiunile logistice si de intretinere, precum si sa eficientizeze consumul de carburanti. Conexiunile WiFi de la bord ajuta operatorii dispersati la distante mari sa actioneze unitar. Modern fleet operators need open, secure, and scalable wireless communications to track vehicles and keep drivers connected. New IoT applications are helping fleet managers optimize logistics and maintenance, improve efficiency and conserve fuel. And onboard WiFi connections help operators dispersed over thousands of miles act as a unified mobile workforce.

Control de la Distranță Remote Control

Pentru afacerile care se bazeaza pe echipamente industriale, masini si vehicule pentru executarea sarcinilor, suportul tehnic si service-ul sunt critice pentru succes. Releele operatorilor de telefonie mobina, sistemele de conducte, echipamentele din cladiri sau birouri au nevoie de monitorizare si intretinere regulate pentru a functiona la parametri optimi. Solutiile IoT si M2M ofera un important suport pentru monitorizare si intretinere oferind informatii importante pentru diagnosticare tehnicienilor in vederea rezovarii cat mai rapide a problemelor aparute. For business that rely on industrial equipment, machines and vehicles to get the job done, service and technical support are critical to success. Cell phone towers, pipelines, manufacturing equipment, building systems and office equipment all require regular monitoring and maintenance to keep business assets running at peak performance.
M2M and industrial Internet of Things (IoT) solutions provide an important avenue of support to enable remote monitoring and maintenance and to provide important diagnostic information so service technicians arrive prepared for successful repairs and updates when needed.

Orașe Inteligente Smart Cities

IoT face posibil sa avem orase curate, sigure si eficiente. Prin conectarea dispozitivelor, a vehiculelor si a infrastructurii peste tot in oras, administratiile si partenerii lor pot reduce consumul de energie si de apa, pot eficientiza transportul persoanelor, pot imbunatati siguranta precum si calitatea vietii. Prin fiabilitatea demonstrata, implementarea simpla si accesibilitate, tehnologia mobila este ideala pentru conectare aplicatiilor IoT. OPENSOFT ofera un portofoliu de solutii M2M integrate pentru a face orasele inteligente o realitate. The Internet of Things (IoT) is making it possible to make cities greener, safer and more efficient. By connecting devices, vehicles and infrastructure everywhere in a city, governments and their partners can reduce energy and water consumption, keep people moving efficiently, and improve safety and quality of life. With its proven reliability, simple deployment and ubiquitous reach, cellular is an ideal technology to connect IoT applications. And OPENSOFT offers an industry portfolio of integrated cellular machine-to-machine (M2M) solutions to make the smart city come alive.


Consultanță și Proiectare Software Software Engineering & Consultance

Noi ajutăm clienții să adapteze principiile de inginerie software și metodologiile în zona lor de dezvoltare. Buna intelegere a afacerii usureaza fiecare faza de dezvoltare si in acelasi timp asigura calitatea produsului si satisfactia clientilor nostri. We help the customers to adapt the software engineering principles and methodologies into their development area. Establishing an approach right from understanding the business eases every phase of the development efforts while assuring the quality of the product and satisfaction of our customers.

Securitate Date Data Security

Avem grija de datele tale. Intelegem prin asta ca informatia trebuie sa fie disponibila, disponibila doar pentru tine si intacta. We are taking care of your data. That means the information has to be always available, available only for you and intact.

Administrare Sistem System Administration

Ne ocupam de urmatoarele sarcini pentru tine: intretinere si monitorizare servere si servicii, instalare software, administrare utilizatori, creare backup si restaurare, rezolvare incidente, upgradeuri, automatizare task-uri. We are performing the following tasks for you: maintaining and monitoring servers and services, installing software, user administration, creating a backup and recover policy, problems solving, updating & upgrading, automating tasks.

Monitorizare și Raportare 24/7 24/7 Monitoring and Reporting

Deoarece monitorizarea este foarte importanta avem diferite sisteme in locatii diferite pentru monitorizarea serverelor si serviciilor, 24 ore pe zi, 7 zile pe saptamana. Daca ceva nu merge bine, un SMS este intodeauna trimis catre un inginer. Because monitoring is very important we have different systems in use at different locations, to monitor your servers and services continuously, 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. And if something goes wrong, an SMS is always sent to the engineers.




Adresă: Str. Serghei Vasilievici Rahmaninov nr. 33, sector 2, cod poștal 020196
București, România


Telefon: +40 21 230 12 10

Fax: +40 21 230 12 10

Cariere: Programator Full Stack Careers: Full Stack Developer

Experienta Experience

  • Experienta Enterprise business management - minim 3 ani
  • Experienta Enterprise lT and release management - minim 3 ani
  • Experienta Enterprise architecture - minim 3 ani
  • Experienta App Designer / Report Form Builder - minim 3 ani
  • Experienta App Designer Dataset Providers (vl - v3) - minim 3 ani
  • Experienta Kendo MWM - minim 3 ani
  • Experienta Kendo .NET MVC - minim 3 ani
  • Experienta Kendo Ul - minim 5 ani
  • Experienta Vanilla JavaScript - minim 5 ani
  • 3 years of Enterprise business management experience
  • 3 years of Enterprise lT and release management experience
  • 3 years of Enterprise architecture experience
  • 3 years of App Designer / Report Form Builder experience
  • 3 years of App Designer Dataset Providers (vl - v3) experience
  • 3 years of Kendo MWM experience
  • 3 years of Kendo .NET MVC experience
  • 3 years of Kendo Ul experience
  • 3 years of Vanilla JavaScript experience

Responsabilitati Responsibilities

  • Proiecteaza scheme logice si diagrame pentru structurarea cerintelor proiectului in secvente logice
  • Elaboreaza module de cod in limbaje de programare folosind medii de dezvoltare integrate;
  • Configureaza aplicatiile necesare, testeaza aplicatiile si modifica programele;
  • Proiecteaza si modifica structura bazelor de date prin codarea descrierii datelor folosind sisteme de gestiune a bazelor de date relationale;
  • Design logical schemes and diagrams to structure project requirements into logical sequences;
  • Develop code modules in programming languages using integrated development environments;
  • Configure the necessary applications, test applications, and modify programs;
  • Design and modify the structure of databases by coding data descriptions using relational database management systems;

Aptitudini Skills

  • SQL (MySQL, MicrosoftSQL, TransactSQL)
  • HTML, JavaScript, .NET, .NET Core, C#, C++, PHP
  • Retele de calculatoare (MS)
  • Management de proiect
  • Cunostinte solide operare MS Office
  • Limba engleza la nivel inalt (scris, citit)
  • SQL (MySQL, MicrosoftSQL, TransactSQL)
  • HTML, JavaScript, .NET, .NET Core, C#, C++, PHP
  • Computer networks (MS)
  • Project management
  • Strong MS Office skills
  • lntermediate level of written and reading Russian language
  • High level of written and reading English language